
Friday, June 20, 2008


I'm grateful for little--and big--blessings each day. Yesterday I was at the grocery store minding my own business when a store employee approached me, gave me a frozen chicken alfredo dinner, and thanked me for being a "valued customer." Funny, this wasn't even at Ukrop's. I guess I'm a valued customer at Food Lion now, too. :) Turned out to be a pretty yummy dinner.

Then later that day, we were driving to the park when Mike spotted a perfectly good metal filing cabinet on the side of the road. It probably sounds ghetto, but we turned the car around to look at it because, let's face it, those things are expensive! This was in good condition and in the right color. Critical, I know! So on the way home we stopped, knocked on the door, and drove away with a filing cabinet. Saved us over 100 bucks! No shame in our game!

Life's little blessings are fabulous, aren't they?!

p.s. Great ice cream flavor to enjoy: Turkey Hill's chocolate peanut butter cup. Loads of peanut butter, wonderful summertime treat. Yet another blessing. ;)


J. Melody said...

I love the filing cabinet story. If you decide you don't like the color after all, they take spray paint well. Can't wait to hear more about the house and move...

Michelle said...

Thanks so much for sharing your blessings, Jenny. What a great reminder to recognize the good in life. I have to say that I love the whole serendipity of driving down the road and spotting that file cabinet. Yay for the little things!

Unknown said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope you are having a fabulous day. I wish I could take you out to lunch. I hope you put the party pics on your blog soon. You certinally are a blessing in my life ;O)

Jenny said...

Laura ~ thanks for the b-day wishes! We're celebrating this weekend with Mike's fam and then the following weekend with mine:) Pictures soon...