
Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Cousin!

I'm happy to report that we have a darling new niece in the family, Leah Stathis. She was born to David and Traci, my brother and sister-in-law, this past Friday, January 16. Seven pounds, three ounces, 18.5 inches. We are incredibly happy for this sweet family and can't wait to meet Leah soon. Look at that gorgeous dark hair she gets from her mama! Really, could she be any cuter?? :) (And how does Traci look so good, by the way??)


Michelle said...

There's nothing like a newborn to warm your heart. Congratulations on your new niece!

senategirl said...

I could pinch Traci for looking so good. Congrats on your beautiful niece! She will have so much fun playing with your boys.

amylouwhosews said...

OH!!! I'm so far behind!! Congrats to them and WHAT A CUTIE!! I heart newborns. SO. Much.