
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Sweet Aaron

This week I had a pretty extensive and painful dental procedure done. The pain ensued for a few days. On about the third day, I was still in a lot of pain. Aaron looked at me and could tell something was wrong. He asked what was wrong and I told him that my tooth hurt. He said, "Fold your arms." Then, totally unprompted, he got down on his knees and offered the sweetest prayer for my tooth to feel better. Then he got up from his prayer, looked at me and said, "Bless your heart." He is so sweet. He's always doing things that show the great faith he has in his Heavenly Father.

Funny story ... this morning I told Aaron that a temple would be built in Cedar City, Utah, where his aunt, uncle, and cousins live. I told him that the Lord's work is progressing and that temples are being built all over the world. He exclaimed, "That's because people keep giving money to the bishop!" ;)

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