
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Live Nativity (backtracking a little!)

My parents came for Christmas, which was a lot of fun! While they were here, two families from church came over so all of our kids could do a live nativity. It was a friend's idea, and we had it at our house. It was so fun! My parents were very good sports about it and very helpful! What made it even more special is that my siblings and I grew up doing a live nativity each year with another family. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of Christmas Eve and acting out the birth of Jesus. So it was fun for my parents to see the tradition continue :) Afterward we served cookies and hot chocolate. The kids had a great time, and it really brought home the true meaning of Christmas.

Here are a few pics from the fun night:

Grant was a shepard.
Aaron was Joseph, and his friend Lydia was Mary. Aaron even had a headpiece and band from Egypt (given by a friend.)

Cute girls.

A stuffed animal was baby Jesus.

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