Mike is incredibly good at being crafty and creative with the boys. The other day he came home with a couple of long, narrow boxes -- just the right size for our two boys! Mike cut out holes for the face and arms and -- tada! -- robot costumes! :) They had a great time pretending to be robots. My favorite quotes from Aaron regarding being a robot:
"It's hard to look down when you're a robot." (He couldn't move his face up or down -- it was pretty much stuck.) :)
-After he took off his robot costume: "I like being a person better than a robot." I like you better as a person too, Aaron!
Aaron seriously has the funniest sense of humor. He is so witty and is always making me laugh. I love that quality in him!
Love the robots and the cowboys!
Love it and I love that you're updating your blog more. It is fun to see what your boys are up to.
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