Uncle David surprised us (except Mike, who was in the know,) by showing up one Sunday afternoon. He was in Phoenix for work and was kind enough to drive down to visit us for a few hours. The boys of course were IN HEAVEN. Mike and the boys showed David around the 'hood, and then we all had dinner together. It was fun seeing him. He is such a great uncle! Aaron and Grant loved seeing him. Thanks for coming David! And next time you call to tell us you're coming, ask for me, not Mike. ;)
Aaron and Granty are--without a doubt--the best of friends. Of course they have their moments where their love for each other isn't so evident. However, they do play well together for the most part, and they have a ton of fun together. Together they love to laugh, play cowboys, dig in the dirt and sand, climb and play outside, play with trains, build forts, and generally get into trouble. ;) They often say "I love you" to one another. It is the sweetest thing! I'm so glad they have each other and that they get to grow up together. Grant is excited to see Aaron whenever he gets home from preschool. When Aaron's not with us, Grant will sometimes ask, "Where's my brother?"
Whenever I ask Grant who his best friend is, he says Aaron, pronounced "Ha-win." It was so sad because when Grant said Aaron's name today, he said it much clearer, and it sounded much like it should. I will certainly miss hearing Grant call out "Ha-win!" I think he really looks up to Aaron. He certainly mimics much of what he does! Aaron still calls his little bro "Granty" though. I think that nickname will stick for quite some time. It just seems to fit him so well!
Their world's would be much lonlier without each other. Yay for siblings! I told some friends the other day that I felt my children could offer each other something that I couldn't. I am so glad we decided to have Aaron and Grant so close. They're close enough in age that they're now doing many of the same activities. It won't be long before they're coasting the sidewalks together on their bikes--especially if Mike has anything to do with it! :)
That is so sweet they have each other to play with. It's the best when they get along. Your boys must have two Uncle David's because I didn't recognize your brother in the picture. I loved the quote below too. So cute!
i TOLD you that you would love having two little boys! :) boys need brothers, that's for sure! they are so sweet. miss you guys!!!
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