
Monday, July 15, 2013

Aaron's First Day

This was taken yesterday, the day before school started.

Well, the first day of kindergarten wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be! Aaron was sooo ready (3 years of preschool will do that to a kid!) We have year-round school here, hence starting in the middle of July. As he walked away and into his classroom, I kept calling out, "Aaron, I love you! Have a good day! Bye!" He didn't turn around once :) I followed him into the classroom, we found his seat, and he immediately started on his first assignment, which was to draw a picture of his family.

We feel so blessed to have Aaron in our family. I really feel like he's growing up. I am proud of him and a little sad at the same time. He's no longer "under my wing." He's now being influenced by many other people (the public school system) -- for better or worse. We hope we have taught him well. We love that boy, and I know he's going to accomplish amazing things in his life! I can feel it :)

I am having the time of my life raising these kids. It really is such a joy and such a blessing -- nothing could surpass it!

Here's the handsome boy on his first day!
Hopefully these two will be best friends forever!
Walking to class. (He's the one with the backpack, not the mohawk) ;)
Sitting next to his classmate, who we found out is in another ward!
There you have it. We are starting a new chapter, & we hope it is a good one!


Dianne said...

Looks like he will fit right in. Now I know why he started school so early--year around school.

Stathis Five said...

He is so great. You and Mike have done a great job. He will do just great. I know this is hard but you can do it. Just watch out because now time will really fly by so enjoy this great ride. Love you.

Inspiration Station said...

He looks so grown up! Have a great school year! I'm so glad it went better than expected.