
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sami's first real haircut (approx. 10 months)

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She has such beautiful curls! And her hair has gotten so light!
Front view :) She has the sweetest (biggest) smile! If you look closely you might be able to see a front tooth emerging. Her bottom two are already in. She is standing up now, but not yet cruising. We are in no hurry here. She can crawl like a champ and has absolutely no trouble keeping up with her big brothers. She is every bit as spunky and active as they are :) I saw her fighting over a toy with Grant recently, and she definitely held her own!

These Two Boys...

are so fun! They are a little obsessed with costumes, so you can imagine the excitement around here with Halloween coming up. They have changed their minds multiple times about what they're doing to dress up as. Luckily there abour four or so opportunities/events to dress up for this Halloween, so we'll see how things play out! :)
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Monday, October 21, 2013

Grant's Four-Year Stats

Okay, so it took me a little while to get around to posting these (he's almost 4 1/2!) :)

Weight: 41 pounds ~ 78th percentile
Height: 41.1 inches ~ 51st percentile
He has a body mass index of 88 percent :) Grant has a solid build. He is a strong little boy!

Sami's Nine-Month Stats

Weight: 17 pounds, 10 ounces ~ 22nd percentile
Height: 28.2 inches ~ 61st percentile
Head circumference: 44.3 centimeters ~ 52nd percentile

Sami is looking great! Her front two bottom teeth are in, and her top two front teeth are coming in. She is pulling herself up and crawling all over the place. She has a fun, playful, feisty personality. She has kind of a deep, raspy voice.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Knock, knock. Who's there?

Aaron's kindergarten teacher!

His teacher Mrs. Malm requested home visits over fall break, so I invited her for Aaron's family birthday celebration. He didn't know she was coming, so you can imagine his surprise when he opened the door and saw her standing there :) After snacks, cake, and ice cream, we played a game of Memory and then Aaron and Grant showed her their bikes in the garage. Mike and I were chuckling because Grant was showing off for her a little throughout the night. She was a gracious sport through it all :)

We just love Mrs. Malm! She is very compassionate and has good control over her class. She is a very sweet woman. (I see her in action every so often as I'm lucky enough to volunteer for his class.)

It was a fun night!