Aaron and Grant play on the same soccer team and had their first game on Saturday. They did wonderful! Aaron scored his first goal. Grant was quite tentative on the field; he may be a little too young still to play competitive sports. :) We'll see how the next game goes. But it was still fun to watch. The boys were excited that their team name is the Sharks. (Picture to come!)
I'm sure most of you know by now, but we found out we are having a baby girl! We are so excited to meet this little one. My nesting instinct is in full force. Organizing rooms, getting rid of junk, I don't think I've ever been this determined to have a clutter-free, organized home! I want to only have stuff in our house that we NEED or that we LOVE too much to part with! The rid is just stuff! It feels so good to get rid of it. I love the quote, "Less is more." It's so much easier to keep a clean house with less stuff! I was really grateful to my husband who took a bunch of backyard toys to the dump while we were out of town.
Speaking of out of town, we traveled to Virginia for three wonderful weeks. The weather turned perfect while we were there -- the perfect blend of crisp fall weather. Oh I loved it. We happily spent time with both sets of grandparents and were so thrilled to see them as well as aunts, uncles and cousins. The boys and I had a great time! Unfortunately we were quite sick for a good part of the trip; however, we all bounced back and everyone is healthy now. Thanks to Nina and Papa Stathis and Nina and Papa Mathis for hosting us. We truly appreciate your generosity and your having us in your homes! We loved seeing you all!
5 years ago