Aaron and Grant have been saying some of the cutest things, and I have to record them before I forget.
Aaron-Speaks a mile a minute.
-Gets excited when he can pronounce a new word like "Mechanicsville."
-Today he paid me a great compliment: "You're a strong engine, Jenny!" (Sometimes he's mistaken that we're a on a first-name basis. :) And ... ya think he's been watching a little too much Thomas? :)
-Awhile ago he crawled into bed with me one morning to cuddle and said, "I would save you."
-I often call him "Sweet Aaron," so awhile ago he would sometimes call me "Sweet Mama."
-When I ask him to do something he doesn't want to do, he'll often reply, "Whatever you say, Mama." (He can be a little sassy at times.) :)
-Several weeks ago we pulled into the church parking lot and Aaron asked, "Are we at Wal-Mart?"
-Speaking of Wal-Mart ... he told me that when he grows up, he wants to "drive to Wal-Mart." Lofty aspirations!
-A few nights ago he asked, "Why do we have to go nigh-night EVERY SINGLE DAY?!"
We love our little Aaron. We enjoy hearing his vocabulary get more extensive and watching him get smarter everyday. I frequently tell him that he makes me laugh every single day, and he really does. He is quite a witty little boy.
GrantOh Grant! What a fun little boy he is.
-He says "bachum" for milk, and he pronounces Aaron, "Airie." It's sooo sweet.
-Lately when I sneeze or cough he'll ask, "Okay?"
-He is starting to string words together like, "Where Nina go?"
-His vocabulary is swiftly growing, and now he'll try to say almost every word I ask him to. He is doing great!
He truly is the sweetest little boy -- I can't say enough about that!